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Read David Macchia's article explaining the threat to advisors posed by Ai.
"A large segment of advisors will disagree with me, but I've read the research on how humans react to human-like avatars and it is clear that Ai is a genuine threat."
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"We Are Humanizing Technology To Defend You Against Ai's Mortal Threat."

There are three reasons Ai poses a mortal threat to agents and financial advisors: EconomicsPsychology and Novelty. When true, human-like Ai financial advisors are introduced, likely in 2024, they will exist within an economic and business model structure that bears little resemblance to the business models that today support human advisors. For agents, this ushers in a new era of competitive threats. In order to maintain your vital role with clients and prospects, you need a UX-based defense strategy that is inclusive of artificial intelligence.


 To reiterate, when human-like Ai financial advisors are introduced, they will exist within an economic structure that bears little resemblance to the business models that support human advisors. Because Ai FAs require no financial compensation, human FAs will be unable to match the economic value proposition of Ai advisory. The companies or individuals sponsoring Ai advisors will likely offer free or near-free expert financial advisory services. Moreover, the Ai financial advisor will possess a level of knowledge that no human being can match. Imagin knowing "everything:" about every investment strategy, every stock, bond, alt, REIT, annuity, mutual fund, etc.


An ever-growing body of research shows that humans react to human-like avatars in the same manner that they do to other humans, exhibiting increasingly positive and empathetic responses to the Ai as it becomes more human-like. Psychologists refer to this phenomenon as the "uncanny valley" effect. According to research published in the academic journal, Frontiers in Psychology, “Human-like to human stimuli show a positive linear relationship with familiarity. Secondly, we show that expressions of emotions in human-like avatars can be perceived similarly to human emotions, with corresponding behavioral, physiological and neuronal activations.” 


Humans are sure to be fascinated by the novelty of interacting with human-like Ai financial advisors. It will be a novel and enjoyable experience. Annuity agents will lose clients and engage fewer prospects if they are unable to match the novelty of Ai interactions within the context  of their personal brand.


Agents who refuse to embrace Ai are very likely to be replaced by Ai. Agents who welcome Ai and make it a core element of their UX (user experience) will have a UX defense shield that preserves their prominent role with clients and prospects. This is the ultimate purpose of AI Annuity Assistant. 

Commercial 1: "Overview of AI Annuity Assistant"
Commercial 2: "The UX is Everything"
Commercial 3: "The Importance of DAS"
Commercial 4: "Overwhelming Digital Impact"
Commercial 5: "Your Personal Learning Center"
"The History of DAS"
Agent Guide to AI Annuity Assistant

Understanding the Introduction of and Vision Behind 
AI Annuity Assistant

I had several objectives in mind when developing AI Annuity Assistant.
  • Place annuity agents in the vanguard of a generationally significant technological development, ahead of other industries. 

  • Introduce an entirely new way to express the value of annuities while also keeping the agent's brand prominent.

  • Deliver a consumer facing user experience (UX) that is all-new and intriguing.  Actually, jaw-dropping.


There are two versions of AI Annuity Assistant available. One centers on GCU Life's extraordinary Aquila FIA This is a wonderful ground floor opportunity for agents:  A quality fraternal insurer is offering a supremely competitive, consumer-oriented FIA. Look for the Contract with GCU link on this page or click here. Check out the extraordinary Personal Learning Center you receive when you subscribe. Click here. As soon as you contract with GCU, you will receive the amazing CGU consumer selling video, 

FIA Showcase is a generic version of AI Annuity Assistant designed to help you sell any of your favorite FIAs. FIA Showcase is a transformative sales and marketing innovation that expresses the value of FIAs like nothing ever has. 
If you have  comments or questions about AI Annuity Assistant, please reach out to me at, or connect with me on LinkedIn.
The Ai elements of AI Annuity Assistant will surely change in the months ahead. The technology behind the avatars is progressing at a breathless pace. Our objective is to add more capabilities and sophistication to the UX as new tech becomes available to us. In line with our focus on delivering Overwhelming Digital Impact, we remain committed to introducing new and innovative video content that conceptualizes the benefits of fixed indexed annuities on novel ways. 
Finally, please view the "commercials" on this page. They provide a fast and succinct explanation of the key benefits AI Annuity Assistant offers agents. Also, download the Agent Guide. Thanks for visiting!
p.s. Check out or partnership with Clients Backbox, a proven successful solution for filling your calendar with qualified appointments.

David Macchia

Author, inventor, nationally recognized authority on retirement income planning, annuity advocate and developer of AI Annuity Assistant.

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